This page, when finished, will have all the photos from
various pages of GordonsOfMaine displayed in one place.
In Witchers Mills, c 1914 |

Photo curtesty Bob Coombs |
1st row, Norman Coombs, Maurice, Merton, Helena Coombs
(Winnie's second child - older Helen died.), Rita McLeese (maybe a cousin; middle row Harriet holding baby Ola Coombs, George
W.; back row, Lewis, Etta, Mary, George, Ray, Winnie.
Ola believes this was taken
about 1914 while the family was liviing in Whitchers Mills. The house was by the river and burned down several years ago.

Ray Logan Gordon |

Red, Tommy. and Ray Gordon |

Wesley Raymond (Red) & John Wesley Gordon |

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Henry Gordon |

Co. I, 27th Maine Volunteers |
Wilber, Clara, Hazel, Earle, & Marjory Gordon |

Wilber's father was Henry Gordon |
Wilber and Clara Gordon's 50th Wedding Anniversary |

Clara's maiden name was Matthews |
George Washington Gordon |

27th and 32nd Maine Volunteers |

George & Hattie |

Winnie Belle Gordon |

Winnie and Ernest Frank Coombs' Wedding Photo |

1904 or '05? |
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